A little bit about myself..

  • I  currently work as a UX designer @ PointClickCare and recently attained a Master of Information in User Experience Design degree from the University of Toronto.
  • I am passionate about designing inclusive and user-friendly experiences that deliver high satisfaction and usability to a wide range of individuals.
  • My goal as a UX designer is to evolve into a skilled problem-solver who can develop innovative and impactful solutions that enhance people's lives.
  • By adopting a human-centred approach, I strive to craft seamless solutions that cater to the specific needs and goals of the users.
  • I am actively seeking a full-time UX/UI designer position. If you would like to work together, please don't hesitate to reach out to me at any time. I am more than happy to chat with you. :)


UX/UI Skills

User Research, Data Analysis, User Persona, Empathy Map, Customer Journey Map, Usability Testing, Sketching, Wireframing, Mockups, Storytelling, Lean & Heuristic Evaluation, Prototyping, Design for Accessibility, Information Architecture, Product Management

Fun Facts

My MBTI changed from ESFJ to ISFP after COVID :D

🪴 I care about sustainability and aim for a zero waste lifestyle.

🍽 I LOVE seafood except Oyster :P

🎬 My favourite movies are all Disney/Marble movies

🍰 I always say 'YESSS' to dessert (cake, ice cream, bubble tea, macaroon, etc)

When I am not on Figma, I..

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